Monday, July 28, 2008

Ladies & Gentlemen: Make Some Noise

I was really hooked to the Dainik Bhaskar advertisement “ Zid Karo” ( starring Dhoni). For the first few minutes I had a feeling that change is in the air. I really hope they do something more than just the advertisement. But the prior campaigns like the Lead India (TOI) or the “ Desh badalne ke lea Channel Badlo” ( India TV) has made me cynical about the intentions of this one as well. However whether they really change the world can be debated later; they have at least urged the people to dream for it.
But this made me think what is it that has happened to us? Why don’t we see any such advertisement or programmes or writings in the mainstream media? Is it a way to keep us in the trance of the lotus eaters ? So that we do not wake up to smell…(shall we say) the roses. Or is it that the angst is out of fashion? Are angry young men a passé? And the idea of a revolution is so 1970s. Only thing that has survived the test of time are the “fashionable” Che Guevara t-shirts. These t-shirts alone have been able to break the class barrier. From an auto-rikshaw driver in suburban Kolkata to the downtown fashion stylist in Mumbai, everybody have one.

Today the Indians famed for their argumentative nature is stifled by the absence of one. The public sphere of debate has now ceded to stance. Arguments hence have become one sided. And it is a win-win situation for everybody. The media can do a wafer thin research and the mass will not have to spend too many of those grey cells to think. And at the end of the day, all of us have a stance and none of us have to think.

Hence is this modest attempt to rekindle the fire that burns in our mind. This is just an attempt to shake the existing flimsy stances and create a broader and a stronger standpoint.

After all, there is some thing more to life than just living, nurturing and destroying. Had it not been so, the trinity would have been enough, the world wouldn’t have had human. Let us justify that we are that supreme race which with their innocuous impurity has in them what the Gods don’t possess…

We have that understanding, often flawed but never the less an understanding and an ability to probe, to feel, to sensitize and to excite. And most importantly to argue and to create the heterogeneity of views from where would arise that great idea.

And whenever the doubt of cacophony clouds our judgement, let us remember that even Cosmos was created out of the chaos .



Aks said...

Cheers to the chaos..

Aruna said...

So lets make noise!!

Aruna said...

The poor Indians in villages will be the ones to get benefitted wen the political scenario changes and the politicians start working towards their upliftment. Tis is y villages are the targets during campaign..Again there is an element of corruption here which we better not dig deep.

So now, why shud the educated Indian crowd indulge in politics and waste a one day off to vote...

wat do u think wil be done to satisfy the intellectual minds? who do not have any expectations from the govt.??

wats ur take on this?

Anonymous said...

Hey! I agree that the middle class (intellegensia) abstains from voting. We have become the mute observers who rather be opiniated than become actively involved.However there are few reasons for that. Firstly the multi party political systemm with constatntly changing loyalties makes it difficult for us! Lets say I vote for certain ideology party A stands for, before I know Party A has amalgamated with party B! I am shocked, betrayed because there are reasons why I chose A over B...This could be a major factor in increasing disillusionment amongst us. As far as the participation is concerned look at the case of Arun Bhatiya. He started off well in Pune but soon became enrolled in the usual gammut of politicians because we have to work within multi party system. Also do we have any strongly felt ideologies dictating our lives? Some of us and the next generations believe naxalism leads to terrorism, many do not even know their beliefs!Therefore we arent am sure a dead generation just a more dormant one than we would like to be but dormant nevertheless! so cheers and la khiem!(to life!)-Devina